Wednesday, March 18, 2009

No More Ear tubes!

Torpedo got his ear tubes out! He has had tubes since he was 4 months old. So it is about time.
He was super excited about not wearing ear plugs when he swims.
He was such a brave little boy. The doctor told us that it would hurt and it might ruin their friendship. We had the choice of either pulling them out in the office (with a little pain) or putting him to sleep. We decided to just go for it and and do it in the office. Smart mom that i am, already dosed him up on motrin.
No one had to hold him down, he cried big after the first ear and he didn't want him touching the other ear. The doctor said we could come back another day and get the other one. The doctor gave him some time to calm down. In the meantime, the doctor came back and gave Torpedo a Big 12 baseball. (He was trying to keep Torpedo as a friend!) I told Torpedo " lets get all the pain over with in one day".
Next thing you know he was back in the chair and getting the other one out.
What a tough little man!!!
P.S. If your wondering what happened to his face. J. Bear was boosting him up into a tree and decided to let go before he was ready. He slid down the tree with his face.