Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rotten Sandwich

written, at school (3rd grade), by J. Bear

Rotten Sandwich

I'm a rotten sandwich on the shelf. No one has ate me that's why I'm rotten. I see food come on the shelf and off. I'm made of bread, cheese, tomato, lettuce and tuna. Everyday when I wake up I smell like garbage. I don't know why they don't throw me in the garbage. There is one more thing you want to know about me. I can't....remember anything!!! See i don't even remember what I said. I think it was about a crazy Kerim and Jauchan. I am 87 years old. When I was 1001 years old, I had a dream.... No Wait! It was real, no a dream, no real. Dream, real, dream, real. See I can't remember that. So I can't tell that story, so I will make up a story. Once a upon a time there was a boy princess (which was me). He wore a pink dress and crown. One day he married a girl prince and she liked red. On their honeymoon, they got eaten.
The End
Did you like that story, I didn't, because i married a dragon.
The End

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Feeding Birds at the OKC Zoo